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Dialogue System (WIP)

Game Engine: UE4

On this page I will go through the development and design choices that I chose when making this game a systems. 

The is mainly to show off the dialogue system created using the UE4 behaviour tree system, I decided to make it in a little game to better show off the functionality


I was always interested in creating a dialogue system that had branching paths and choices that the player could make and then have them intertwine with each other at the end of the level/game. For this system my main goal was to create multiple instance that will be used throughout the game and then have them easily editable 

Concept of flow

The main bulk of this system is all relevant to the flow of dialogue. The whole system will be based around an "Interaction" then a "Response" for the user. This will be the same with interacting with objects or people. 

The user will get multiple response choices and then depending on that choice they will get a different response, some will move the game along and some will provide "Flavour Text"


Quick concept chart of flow can be found to the left

Blueprint creation

I created the blueprints for this using the behavioural tree found in UE4, example of the functionality can be found above. This has also been made modular, all that is needed is to copy and then paste blueprint and then apply to the "Interact" actor

This is an example of the interaction that can happen. Mainly just to show off the functionality of the design and mechanics. Blueprints have been made for different interactions such as opening the door will move character to a different location

Example of the interact actor


Example of the actor in the level, trigger volume needs to mesh to hit, so when in game it is set to not visible


Blueprint setup

Easily customizable elements such as the dialogue tree needing to be used, name of actor and if the mesh should be visible

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